Monday, January 22, 2007

Breaking into..

Every time you are in conflict with someone, want to hurt them, gossip about them, or avoid them, but instead go to them and seek reconciliation and forgiveness-The kingdom is breaking into this world..Every time you have a chunk of money and decide to give sacrificially to somebody who is hungry or homeless or poor-The kingdom is breaking into this world...Anytime someone has an addiction and wants to partner with God so much that they're willing to stop hiding, acknowledge the truth, and get help from a loving community-The kingdom is breaking into the world...Every time you love, every time you include someone who's lonely, every time you encourage someone who's defeated, every time you challenge somebody who's wandering off the path, every time you serve the under-resourced-It is a sign that the kingdom is once more breaking into the world.....

One passage from the book "God is closer than you think" by John Ortberg


trilobite said...

Супер."Секојпат кога ќе подадете чаша вода некому(во потреба),како Мене да сте ми дале..."може да се додаде(не ми текнува кај беше стихов).Парафразирам.

Butterfly said...

Mnogu dobro kazano!
